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The table compares the figures for international traveller

The table compares the figures for international traveller pKoXw
The table compares the figures for international travellers in different regions in the years 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005. It is clear that the total number of people who went abroad increased during the period of the time. In addition, Europe had the highest number of foreign tourists among the five areas. In 1990, over 280 million people made a trip to Europe followed by the figures for America and Asia and pacific with roughly 80 and 60 million respectively. Meanwhile, both Africa and Middle East seemed less appealing for tourists to visit, which was just under 20 million. The given data from the chart showed that Europe was still the first-priority choice for travellers with a significant rise to 390 million, and then there was a slight growth of 3 million before reaching the peak of 400 million in 2005. By contrast, though a moderate increase to nearly 11 million was seen in Middle East, it still had the least number of people travelling abroad with 15, 8 million over a period of 15 years. Africa, America and Asia and the pacific experienced a similar increasing trend of international tourists from the 1990 year towards, which reached approximately 29, 113 and 135 million respectively in 2005.
The table compares the figures for international
regions in the years 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005. It is
that the total number of
who went abroad increased during the period of the time.
In addition
, Europe had the highest number of foreign tourists among the five areas. In 1990, over 280
made a trip to Europe followed by the figures for America and Asia and pacific with roughly 80 and 60
. Meanwhile, both Africa and Middle East seemed less appealing for tourists to visit, which was
under 20
. The
data from the chart
that Europe was
-priority choice for
with a significant rise to 390
, and then there was a slight growth of 3
reaching the peak of 400
in 2005. By contrast, though a moderate increase to
in Middle East
, it
had the least number of
travelling abroad with 15, 8
over a period of 15 years. Africa, America and Asia and the pacific experienced a similar increasing trend of international tourists from the 1990 year towards, which reached approximately 29, 113 and 135
in 2005.
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IELTS academic The table compares the figures for international traveller

  American English
1 paragraphs
207 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
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    Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
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    Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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