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The table below shows information and predications regarding the change in percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries.

The table below shows information and predications regarding the change in percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries. aGB7
The table illustrates the data and estimating regarding the change in rates of the population aged people and above in three countries(Canada, Germany, UK) from 1988 to 2030. Overall, in germany, the number of old people increased steadily from 20 to 25 in the the first two years, it will be predicted that the number of senior person accounted for 30. 42% in the upcoming year 2030, whereas Uk and Canada had least ratio of people. Firstly, in terms of germany, in the year 1988, which was accounting for 20. 45% of people increased to 25. 32% in 2000. Moreover, the information guessed that in the year 2030 the population ill increased merely above 30. 32% of individuals. Likewise, in case of canada, the people made up around 16. 32% of elderly person, also rose slightly in the second year. Than, it will estimate that the people will rise about 26. 35. However, at the beginning of the period Uk has least ratio of aged human around less than a fifth, while it rose slowly in the year 2000. Also, it will rise in the year 2030 roughly 20. 35% of population.
The table illustrates the data and estimating regarding the
in rates of the population aged
and above in three countries(Canada, Germany, UK) from 1988 to 2030.

, in
, the number of
from 20 to 25 in
the the
two years, it will
be predicted
that the number of senior person accounted for 30. 42% in the upcoming
2030, whereas
and Canada had
ratio of
, in terms of
, in the
1988, which was accounting for 20. 45% of
increased to 25. 32% in 2000.
, the information guessed that in the
2030 the population ill increased
above 30. 32% of individuals.
, in case of
, the
made up around 16. 32% of elderly person,
in the second
, it will estimate that the
will rise about 26. 35.
, at the beginning of the period
ratio of aged human around less than a fifth, while it rose
in the
, it will rise in the
2030 roughly 20. 35% of population.
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Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.
Flora Lewis

IELTS academic The table below shows information and predications regarding the change in percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries.

  American English
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