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The table below provides statistics on several major metro (MRT) ssytem around the world. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting main featire and make comparations where lerevant.

The table below provides statistics on several major metro (MRT) ssytem around the world. GlYdB
The table presents a glance of information on several major metro networks globally. The data is differentiated into three categories: year, distance length, and passenger capacity. Based on the information displayed, the metro system in several big cities worldwide was constructed in various times between the 18th and 20th centuries. Two metro lines were built in the eighteenth era: London (1863) as the oldest and followed by Paris in the late 18th. The next is Tokyo in early 1900, Wahington DC (1921), and Kyoto in 1980, which were developed from 1900 to 2000. Moreover, the last one in Los Angles was built in the millennium era. The three metro networks that were built earlier have a longer distance and bigger sitting occupancy than the others. London has the furthermost distance reach 1100 km, 100 times longer than the shortest metro in Kyoto (11 kilometers), Paris ( around 600km), and Tokyo slightly below 150 km. Meanwhile, Tokyo, located in the same country as Kyoto, recorded the most considerable passenger number with more than 1. 4 billion people yearly. Subsequently, Paris in second place ( 850 million yearly) and London with more than 500 million passengers annually. Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angles MRT networks have closer distances than three others. As described before, the shortest line is Kyoto, with the smallest annual carrying size, merely 11 million per annum. DC has quite a long distance compared to two others, recorded some above 100 km. However, its occupancy does not reach 100 million per age. LA has a nearer length than DC (14 km). Nevertheless, it has larger occupants, which reach 90 million year by year.
The table presents a glance of information on several major
networks globally. The data
is differentiated
into three categories: year,
length, and passenger capacity.

Based on the information displayed, the
system in several
cities worldwide
was constructed
in various times between the 18th and 20th centuries. Two
were built
in the eighteenth era: London (1863) as the oldest and followed by Paris in the late 18th. The
is Tokyo in early 1900,
DC (1921), and Kyoto in 1980, which
were developed
from 1900 to 2000.
, the last one in Los Angles
was built
in the millennium era. The three
networks that
were built
earlier have a longer
and bigger sitting occupancy than the others. London has the furthermost
reach 1100 km, 100 times longer than the shortest
in Kyoto (11 kilometers), Paris
), and Tokyo
below 150 km. Meanwhile, Tokyo, located in the same country as Kyoto, recorded the most considerable passenger number with more than 1. 4 billion
, Paris in second place
yearly) and London with more than 500

Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angles MRT networks have closer
than three others. As
, the shortest line is Kyoto, with the smallest annual carrying size,
per annum. DC has quite a long
compared to two others, recorded
above 100 km.
, its occupancy does not reach 100
per age. LA has a nearer length than DC (14 km).
, it has larger occupants, which reach 90
year by year.
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IELTS academic The table below provides statistics on several major metro (MRT) ssytem around the world.

  American English
3 paragraphs
274 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 5.5
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Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 5.0
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