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The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. MV6a
The rendered table categorizes six cities as per their establishment date, distance traveled, annual proportion of passengers. Overall, it can be explicitly observed maximum passengers are carried by Tokyo, on contrary to that, Kyoto carries the minimum. In addition to that, London does not only cover the highest kilometers of routes but also has the oldest underground system, whilst, Kyoto and Los Angeles are the lowest, the latest respectively. With regards to the year of the establishment, London is the oldest followed by Paris. In 1927, Tokyo was opened. Subsequently, after half-century Washington DC and Kyoto were constructed, that is, 1976, and 1981. Lastly, after two decades Los Angeles was built. Turning to the distance covered, London, being the maximum then nearly half the kilometers routes were covered by Paris, namely, 199. Tokyo as well as Washinton DC covered more than 100 but less than 155, whereas Kyoto and Los Angeles only covered 11 and 28 respectively. At last annual passengers in a year, Tokyo received the maximum crowd, then Paris, and London. Washington DC in total, 144 million passengers noticed, which is three times more than Kyoto and Los Angeles.
The rendered table categorizes six cities as per their establishment date, distance traveled, annual proportion of
, it can be
observed maximum
are carried
by Tokyo, on contrary to that, Kyoto carries the minimum.
In addition
to that, London does not
cover the highest kilometers of routes
has the oldest underground system, whilst, Kyoto and Los Angeles are the lowest, the latest

With regards to
the year of the establishment, London is the oldest followed by Paris. In 1927, Tokyo
was opened
, after half-century Washington DC and Kyoto
were constructed
that is
, 1976, and 1981.
, after two decades Los Angeles
was built

Turning to the distance
, London, being the maximum then
half the kilometers routes were
by Paris,
, 199. Tokyo
as well
more than 100
less than 155, whereas Kyoto and Los Angeles
11 and 28

At last annual
in a year, Tokyo received the maximum crowd, then Paris, and London. Washington DC in total, 144 million
noticed, which is three times more than Kyoto and Los Angeles.
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IELTS academic The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

  American English
4 paragraphs
191 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • ?
    Include an introduction and conclusion
  • ?
    Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • ?
    Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.5
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • ?
    Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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