The information regarding the proportion of the UK people (23 to 65 age) who were working in distinct fields in the town of UK (Ashby) and the whole UK during the period 2008 has depicted in the graph At the first glance, in the year 2008 there were 8% people of Ashby were in professional work and double of the persons were in construction work that was 16%. Masses who were unemployed and worked in shop shared the same proportion which was 14%. After that most of the people were work in personal service 21%. In town of uk ashby 9% of people were in technical work while double of the people were in office Looking at the whole UK, Unemployed people were 10% whilst, construction worker were also the same. Both technical and personal service workers were accounted for 17%. In UK professional and shop worker were 14% and 13% respectively which had a negligible Difference only 1%. More people work in whole UK were in office which was 19% Overall, maximum people were in personal service in t The information regarding the proportion of the UK people (23 to 65 age) who were working in distinct fields in the town of UK (Ashby) and the whole UK during the period 2008 has depicted in the graphAt the first glance, in the year 2008 there were 8% people of Ashby were in professional work and do...