The liner goph depiats Re tnfirmation abaut papulation size in milion, and abo compares He. burth and martality nte of Enghrd and waks In 1700 ard 2000 Overoll, the numha of papuhtion dne Comsidenabay, whereas decaeid birth nale and death ale was to initiale with, the dath and birth srate witnessed number of both Ihese was incneed equally beithoude Brom 30 te 40 and mauhluly rate m 2lta slabihyin hath arey the nest so yoars Subuquent there witesed a quicke decline with bath ales end finally this frefuntionached at 80 by 1950 nomben of deth thamed 37, then oflen there saw a stability but huntR ale at pest of 35a In addihon to Hhis, in 1700, the nomben of gopuletion was reauby 3 millica often thes 50 yars it rerca neal able, eventuelly bapula his size peah boint of 50 milion "end of the
The liner goph depiats Re tnfirmation abaut papulation size in milion, and abo compares He. burth and martality nte of Enghrd and waks In 1700 ard 2000 Overoll, the numha of papuhtion dne Comsidenabay, whereas decaeid birth nale and death ale was to initiale with, the dath and birth srate witnessed number of both Ihese
was incneed
beithoude Brom 30 te 40 and
rate m 2lta slabihyin hath arey the nest
yoars Subuquent there witesed a quicke decline with bath ales
this frefuntionached at 80 by 1950 nomben of deth thamed 37, then oflen there
a stability
huntR ale at pest of 35a In addihon to Hhis, in 1700, the nomben of gopuletion was reauby 3 millica
thes 50 yars it rerca neal able,
bapula his size peah boint of 50 milion "
of the