The line graph compare four various kind of bread namely Wholegrain, Brown, Rye, White, in terms of the cost, in a particular European nation over five consecutive years, starting from 2001.
Overall, it can be seen form the graph that, Wholegrain had been facing a wild fluctuation during the period shown. Additionally, Rye was the cheapest one over the whole time.
Meanwhile, the figure for Rye was fluctuating around 0. 6 Euros throughout the period, the other kind had sharply increased between 2001 and the following years. Wholegrain maintain the most expansive one during that, before witnessing a dramatic fall reaching roughly 0. 7 Euros in 2004, and then slightly rose up to adding 0. 1 Euros.
In 2003 up to 2005, whereas Brown was ranging between 1. 4 and 1. 6 Euros, the residents had to pay a higher cost in every followed year and this constant augmentation peaked 1. 3 Euros in the last year.
The line graph compare four various
of bread
Wholegrain, Brown, Rye, White, in terms of the cost, in a particular European nation over five consecutive years, starting from 2001.
, it can be
form the graph that, Wholegrain had been facing a wild fluctuation during the period shown.
, Rye was the cheapest one over the whole time.
Meanwhile, the figure for Rye was fluctuating around 0. 6 Euros throughout the period, the other kind had
increased between 2001 and the following years. Wholegrain maintain the most expansive one during that,
witnessing a dramatic fall reaching roughly 0. 7 Euros in 2004, and then
rose up to adding 0. 1 Euros.
In 2003 up to 2005, whereas Brown was ranging between 1. 4 and 1. 6 Euros, the residents had to pay a higher cost in every followed
and this constant augmentation peaked 1. 3 Euros in the last