The information regarding the percentage of men and woman were divided into 3 weight categories in one nation from 1999 to 2009 has depicted in the graph. At the first glance, 27% of women were underweight in 1999 but male were 22% and normal weight of women were accounted for 42% however male were 7% least to women. More men were overweight in year 1999 as compared to women. After four years, underweight women were increased to 29% and male were dropped to 20%. Observing further, those who were overweight in 2004 had a very negligible difference between men and women which was only 1%. There were 51% women in normal weight category and male were increased to 48%. It is noticed that in 2009 overweight and normal weight men and women shared the same proportion which was 47% of women and male were overweight and 19% of men and women were normal weight respectively. In underweight category women were dropped to 1% And males were increased by 3% in 2009. Overall, it is experience that