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The graph illustrates radio and television audience(over four years old) throughout the day in 1992(October to November) in the UK.

The graph illustrates radio and television audience(over four years old) throughout the day in 1992(October to November) in the UK. Overall, In the UK television get more audience at the night on the other hand radio gets most of the listeners in the morning. In the terms of, Television viewership, from 1: 00 to 11: 00 nearly 6% of the population watches TV onwards, the amount of the audience was getting increased till 21: 00 and touches its peak with around 45% after that the breaking point starts and TV loses its audience base to 15% in the last hours of the day. Whereas In between 1: 00 to 6: 00 Radio gets approximately 3% of listeners, suddenly they started getting listeners in huge amount and touches the crescendo with almost 25% at 9: 00. Further, in the entire day, they lose them, and in the last hours the proportion remains at only 5% but in between this loss the gain few listeners in the evening.
The graph illustrates radio and television audience(over four years
) throughout the day in 1992(October to November) in the UK.

, In the UK television
more audience at the night
on the other hand
most of the listeners in the morning.

In the terms of, Television viewership, from 1: 00 to 11: 00
6% of the population
TV onwards, the amount of the audience was getting increased till 21: 00 and touches its peak with around 45% after that the breaking point
and TV loses its audience base to 15% in the last hours of the day.

Whereas In between 1: 00 to 6: 00 Radio
approximately 3% of listeners,
getting listeners in huge amount and touches the crescendo with almost 25% at 9: 00.
, in the entire day, they lose them, and in the last hours the proportion remains at
in between this loss the gain few listeners in the evening.
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Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye.
William Gibson

IELTS academic The graph illustrates radio and television audience(over four years old) throughout the day in 1992(October to November) in the UK.

  American English
4 paragraphs
166 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 6.5
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
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Task Achievement: 7.0
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