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The given line graph illustrates the major means of transport to work in New Stratford from 1970 to the present time with estimations to 2030.

The given line graph illustrates the major means of transport to work in New Stratford from 1970 to the present time with estimations to 2030. ewGNK
In 1970, the most people in New Stratford travelled to work by bus with over 8 milion passengers. However, this figure of bus decreased significantly to 6 milion in 1990 before rising slightly to 9 milion at present day. After that, this number is predicted to increase gently to 10 milion in 2030. Similarly, the number of people travelling by motorbike stood at 4 milion at the beginning of the period. After that, it underwent a marginal drop to 3, 5 milion in 1990 followed by a subtantial growth to 5 million now. Then, this number is estimated to see a slight rise to 6 million in 2030. Motorbike could be the least favorite mode in future. By contrast, the num ber of people who choose private car was the second highest with under 8 million in 1970. After that, there was a significant upturn in this number in 2010 to 12 milion. Next, it could be a slight fall to 10 million, matching the figure for bus at the end of the period. Turning to the train, it was the least common mode of transport with 2 million people in 1970. Then, the figure for train increased sharply to 7, 5 million in 1990 before it continue to rise slightly to 10 million in 2010. After that, this number is predicted to increase marginally to 12 million then train will be chossen the most means of transport, Overall, despite some fuctuations, all these four methods show a rising trend over the given of period.
In 1970, the most
in New Stratford travelled to work by bus with over 8
, this figure of bus decreased
to 6
in 1990
to 9
at present day. After that, this
is predicted
to increase
to 10
in 2030.
, the
travelling by motorbike stood at 4
at the beginning of the period. After that, it underwent a marginal drop to 3, 5
in 1990 followed by a
growth to 5
. Then, this
is estimated
a slight rise to 6
in 2030. Motorbike could be the least favorite mode
in future

By contrast, the
num ber
who choose private car was the second highest with under 8
in 1970. After that, there was a significant upturn in this
in 2010 to 12
, it could be a slight fall to 10
, matching the figure for bus at the
of the period.

Turning to the train, it was the least common mode of transport with 2
in 1970. Then, the figure for train increased
to 7, 5
in 1990
it continue to rise
to 10
in 2010. After that, this
is predicted
to increase
to 12
then train will be
the most means of transport,

, despite
, all these four methods
a rising trend over the
of period.
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IELTS academic The given line graph illustrates the major means of transport to work in New Stratford from 1970 to the present time with estimations to 2030.

  American English
4 paragraphs
255 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
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    Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
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    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
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    Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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