The given bar chart depicts the world illiteracy rates in 6 countries for the year 2000. The data is calibrated in percentage. Overall, it is visible that the percentage of illiterate females was more than the males in all six countries. The female illiteracy rates in SouthAfrica were around 55%, whereas the males were 20% less illiterate. In the Arab states, the female illiteracy rates were just over half the population, whereas, in Sub- Saharan Africa, the percentage of female illiteracy was approximately 5% less than the Arab states. but, the male illiteracy rates were almost identical for both countries, about 30%. In East-Asia/Ocenafa, the female was precisely 20% illiterate, whereas the males' figures were half comparison to female. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the illiteracy rate of males and females was almost identical. Still, the female was slightly more illiterate than male by 20%, whereas the male percentage was precisely 10. In developed the illiteracy rate wer