The supplied diagram illustrates the method of procuring a seat in degree course from a university after passing high school.
Once students complete high school, they have to fill the application form for the course which can be downloaded from the website and send to the administration. It will take around two weeks time to know if its accepted or provisionally approved, in case of former, they further need to enroll and select subject followed by registration with the dean and finally enter the university. In case of later, they must provide any documents asked and resend to administration after compiling documents. If the application gets rejected they may try an alternative course and the same procedure needs to be followed or may choose to cancel the application.
The supplied diagram illustrates the method of procuring a seat in degree course from a university after passing high school.
Once students complete high school, they
have to
fill the application form for the course which can
be downloaded
from the website and
to the administration. It will take around two weeks time to know if its
approved, in case of former, they
need to enroll and select subject followed by registration with the dean and
enter the university. In case of later, they
provide any documents asked and resend to administration after compiling documents. If the application
rejected they may try an alternative course and the same procedure needs to
be followed
or may choose to cancel the application.