The chart below provides an information regarding the leisure activities of a 12-year old in UK from 2015 to 2018. Overall, there was a constant increase in using social media on their free time, while sports were the lowest.
Between 2015 to 2016, computer games were the highest among these three groups. They were ranging from 70% to approximately 75% in 2016. Meanwhile, sports were just above half and decreased to more than two-fifths in 2016. Social media use were on 50% by 2015 and started to steadily progress to more than half, adding one in ten for each of the following year until it reached just over three quarters in 2018.
Computer games in 2017 to 2018 had estimated to two-thirds from three-quarters in 2016, meant that it only decreased to 10%. While there was a decline in sports from 2016 and maintained its value until 2017. By the year 2018, it escalated to closely three-fifths from its former percentage of 45%.
The chart below provides an information regarding the leisure activities of a 12-year
in UK from 2015 to 2018.
, there was a constant increase in using social media on their free time, while sports were the lowest.
Between 2015 to 2016
, computer games were the highest among these three groups. They were ranging from 70% to approximately 75% in 2016. Meanwhile, sports were
above half and decreased to more than two-fifths in 2016. Social media
were on 50% by 2015 and
progress to more than half, adding one in ten for each of the following year until it reached
over three quarters in 2018.
Computer games in 2017 to 2018 had estimated to two-thirds from three-quarters in 2016, meant that it
decreased to 10%. While there was a decline in sports from 2016 and maintained its value until 2017. By the year 2018, it escalated to
three-fifths from its former percentage of 45%.