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The chart below gives information about the age of women in Australia

The chart below gives information about the age of women in Australia ArnWX
The given bar chart provides data about the age of Australian females when they had first baby in the three different years. Overall, it is clear that in 1966, the highest percentage of women, who gave birth to their first kid, was observed at 20 and 24 ages. Whereas, after 40 women showed the lowest figures in all periods, 1966, 1986 and 2006. According to the numbers, when females were 19 or under and also from 20 to 24, they gave a downward trend. Obviously, about 19-year-old girls' rate dropped into nearly 12% from 35% during these years and mothers between 20 and 24 decreased dramatically from about 62% to 32%. Upward trend was noticed among women when they reached at 30-34 and 34-39. At these times, mothers gave more birth to their initial children. Clearly, approximately 32-year-old women increased about by 45% from 1966 to 2006 and then significant increase was shown in almost 37-year-old females. From 25 to 30 age, giving first birth was really common among mothers and a great number of eldest kids were born in these years. It rose to peak point in 1986, however, when it came to 2006, the proportion was nearly the same as 1966.
bar chart provides data about the age of Australian females when they had
baby in the three
, it is
that in 1966, the highest percentage of
, who gave birth to their
was observed
at 20 and 24 ages. Whereas, after 40
the lowest figures in all periods, 1966, 1986 and 2006. According to the numbers, when females were 19 or under and
from 20 to 24, they gave a downward trend.
, about 19-year-
girls' rate dropped into
12% from 35% during these years and mothers between 20 and 24 decreased
from about 62% to 32%. Upward trend
was noticed
when they reached at 30-34 and 34-39. At these times, mothers gave more birth to their initial children.
, approximately 32-year-
increased about by 45% from 1966 to 2006 and then significant increase
was shown
in almost 37-year-
females. From 25 to 30 age, giving
birth was
common among mothers and a great number of
were born
in these years. It rose to peak point in 1986,
, when it came to 2006, the proportion was
the same as 1966.
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IELTS academic The chart below gives information about the age of women in Australia

  American English
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203 words
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Lexical Resource: 6.0
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Grammatical Range: 6.5
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