The bar shows percentage of elderly citizens in three countries in 1980 2000 and 2030 in Germany, uk,Canada
The bar shows percentage of elderly citizens in three countries in 1980 2000 and 2030 in Germany, uk, Canada p578d
The graph details the percentages of elderly people in Canada, Germany, and the UK in the past with projections for the future. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that Elderly populations have risen and are predicted to continue to grow steadily in all countries. Germany has and will continue to have the highest proportion, while Canada will likely overtake the UK.
In 1980, Germany had the greatest percentage of elderly at 15%, slightly above the UK and 5% higher than Canada. By 2000, percentages for Germany and Canada both surged by 5% (to 20% and 15%, respectively), compared to the UK which rose marginally to equal with Canada.
By 2030, Germany is expected to rise by another 5% to 25%, with Canada surpassing the United Kingdom and finishing at 22% and the latter’s figures lagging behind slightly at just under 20%.
The graph
the percentages of elderly
in Canada, Germany, and the UK in the past with projections for the future. Looking from an
perspective, it is
apparent that Elderly populations have risen and
are predicted
to continue to grow
in all countries. Germany has and will continue to have the highest proportion, while Canada will likely overtake the UK.
In 1980, Germany had the greatest percentage of elderly at 15%,
above the UK and 5% higher than Canada. By 2000, percentages for Germany and Canada both surged by 5% (to 20% and 15%,
), compared to the UK which rose
to equal with Canada.
By 2030, Germany is
to rise by another 5% to 25%, with Canada surpassing the United Kingdom and finishing at 22% and the latter’s figures lagging behind
under 20%.