The bar chart provides information about the amount of water storage capacity in 6 urban areas of Australia in the two years 2009 October and 2010 October.
The bar chart provides information about the amount of water storage capacity in 6 urban areas of Australia in the two years 2009 October and 2010 October. gGBkd
The bar chart provides information about the amount of water storage capacity in 6 urban areas of Australia in the two years 2009 October and 2010 October.
Overall, the figure for water level increased in 4 cities, whereas Darwin had a noticeable fall over the period shown. However, in both years Brisbane showed a period of stability.
According to the data, Darwin stood at 45% at the beginning, but the next year it decreased significantly to about 28% in 2010. As for Perth and Canberra, these both urban areas climbed the same amount of percentage, with nearly 20%. In interest, Brisbane remained unchanged at 55%.
With regards to Sydney, it experienced a slight growth of 6%. Likewise, the figure for Melbourne climbed by 10% between 2009 and 2010. In addition, Melbourne saw a through percent, with roughly 22%.
The bar chart provides information about the amount of water storage capacity in 6 urban areas of Australia in the two years 2009 October and 2010 October.
, the figure for water level increased in 4 cities, whereas Darwin had a noticeable fall over the period shown.
, in both years Brisbane
a period of stability.
According to the data, Darwin stood at 45% at the beginning,
year it decreased
to about 28% in 2010. As for Perth and Canberra, these both urban areas climbed the same amount of percentage, with
20%. In interest, Brisbane remained unchanged at 55%.
With regards to
Sydney, it experienced a slight growth of 6%.
, the figure for Melbourne climbed by 10% between 2009 and 2010.
In addition
, Melbourne
percent, with roughly 22%.