th etable below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002. summarize the information by selecting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
th etable below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002. lyOJ
The table illustrates how the consumer spends on various categories of items percentage-wise in five countries; Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey, in the year 2002.
Overall, each of these countries spent their most on Food, Drinks, and Tobacco consumption, while the least amount on Leisure and Education.
Itlay's and Sweden's expenditure on Leisure and education was almost the same(around 3. 2%) in 2002, unlike Spain's (1. 98), Ireland's (2. 21), and Turkey's (4. 35), which are different from the rest. Spain, Ireland, and Turkey had similar spendings on Clothing and Footwear, around 6. 5%. Italy and Sweden spent 9% and 5. 4% respectively, on clothing and footwear.
On food, drinks, and Tobacco, Turkey spent the highest of all, around 29%. On the other hand, Sweden spent the lowest in this category out of this list of countries. Italy expends 16. 32%, Spain 18. 80%, while Ireland spends 28. 9% on food, drinking, and tobacco consumption.
The table illustrates how the consumer spends on various categories of items percentage-wise in five countries; Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey, in the year 2002.
, each of these countries
their most on Food, Drinks, and Tobacco consumption, while the least amount on Leisure and Education.
's and Sweden's expenditure on Leisure and education was almost the same(around 3. 2%) in 2002, unlike Spain's (1. 98), Ireland's (2. 21), and Turkey's (4. 35), which are
from the rest. Spain, Ireland, and Turkey had similar
spendings on
Clothing and Footwear, around 6. 5%. Italy and Sweden
9% and 5. 4%
, on clothing and footwear.
On food, drinks, and Tobacco, Turkey
the highest of all, around 29%.
On the other hand
, Sweden
the lowest in this category out of this list of countries. Italy expends 16. 32%, Spain 18. 80%, while Ireland spends 28. 9% on food, drinking, and tobacco consumption.