The three pie charts represent the payments by local authorities in three different years in Someland: 1980, 1990, 2000.
According to the charts, higher education was the ultimate expense in all three years. Whereupon the other biggest payment was K-12 education.
Between 1980 and 2000 K-12 Education dropped from 25 to 18%, while environmental service was slightly rose. Transportation, Health and human resources, others was fluctuated.
Health had increased to 20% by 1990 before decreasing to only 10% by the end of the period.
Environmental services had gradually grew from 6 to 9% between 1980 and 2000.
Transportation represented to 16% in 1980 which dipped 6% in 1990 and suddenly risen in 2000 while other had decrease every 10 years.
The three pie charts represent the payments by local authorities in three
years in
: 1980, 1990, 2000.
According to the charts, higher education was the ultimate expense in all three years. Whereupon the other biggest payment was K-12 education.
Between 1980 and 2000 K-12 Education dropped from 25 to 18%, while environmental service was
. Transportation, Health and human resources, others
was fluctuated
Health had increased to 20% by 1990
decreasing to
10% by the
of the period.
Environmental services had
from 6 to 9% between 1980 and 2000.
Transportation represented to 16% in 1980 which dipped 6% in 1990 and
risen in 2000 while other had decrease every 10 years.