The graph gives statistics about how many people who will learn three major world languages over the decade from 2030 to 2040.
Overall, what stands out from the figure is that predicted number of students who will be learners of Spanish, English and Mandarin languages, seem to be in an upward trend between 2030 and 2040.
The units are given in millions.
Looking at the statistics, as regards estimated number of Mandarin learners will surge from 100 to 350 with the leapfrog point by Spanish learners' amount in 2026. Despite having twice as much learners Spanish wilo then grow marginally frim 200 to 500 with fifty fewer indicators than Mandarin over a decade period between 2030 and 2040.
As regards, students who will learn English is a bant to hit the highest point by covering 550 in 2030, after that having grew gradually to 700 in the next four year, it will then drop in 610, after six year period. However, English language learners are set to reach a peak with 750 in 2040 by making about 200 followers than the others
The graph gives statistics about how
who will learn three major world languages over the decade from 2030 to 2040.
, what stands out from the figure is that predicted number of students who will be
of Spanish, English and Mandarin languages, seem to be in an upward trend between 2030 and 2040.
The units are
in millions.
Looking at the statistics, as regards estimated number of Mandarin
will surge from 100 to 350 with the leapfrog point by Spanish learners' amount in 2026. Despite having twice as
then grow
200 to 500 with fifty fewer indicators than Mandarin over a decade period between 2030 and 2040.
As regards, students who will learn English is a
to hit the highest point by covering 550 in 2030, after that having grew
to 700 in the
four year, it will then drop in 610, after
six year
, English language
are set
to reach a peak with 750 in 2040 by making about 200 followers than the others