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You are renting a flat from an agency. Your contract was for one year but you need to leave the flat two months early. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter introduce yourself ask to leave the flat before the contract finishes explain why you need to break the contract.

You are renting a flat from an agency. Your contract was for one year but you need to leave the flat two months early. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter introduce yourself ask to leave the flat before the contract finishes explain why you need to break the contract. 8DwG
Dear Sir, My name is Hero Devrani and I have been renting the flat in Shukan Riverview from you for the past seven months. I am sure you are aware that I have been a good tenant during this period. I always pay my rent on time and keep the flat clean and intact. My rental agreement with you was for one year and the contract ends in December. Unfortunately, I will need to leave flat in October, which is, in fact, two months early. The reason for this is that I have got a transfer order for Japan from my company and as per it I have to report there at the beginning of November month. I am afraid this is beyond my control. As I am now unable to stay here until the end of the contract, I would be extremely grateful if you release me from it early. I am aware that this is not normally allowed but I hope you can understand my situation and would oblige me by returning my deposit. Yours faithfully, Hero Devrani
Dear Sir,

My name is Hero
and I have been renting the flat in
Riverview from you for the past seven months. I am sure you are aware that I have been a
tenant during this period. I always pay my rent on time and
the flat clean and intact.

My rental agreement with you was for one year and the contract ends in December. Unfortunately, I will need to
flat in October, which is, in fact, two months early.
The reason for this is
that I have
a transfer order for Japan from my
and as per
have to
report there at the beginning of November month. I am afraid this is beyond my control.

As I am
unable to stay here until the
of the contract, I would be
grateful if you release me from it early. I am aware that this is not
I hope you can understand my situation and would oblige me by returning my deposit.


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IELTS letter You are renting a flat from an agency. Your contract was for one year but you need to leave the flat two months early. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter introduce yourself ask to leave the flat before the contract finishes explain why you need to break the contract.

  American English
6 paragraphs
179 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • ?
    Include an introduction and conclusion
  • ?
    Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • ?
    Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • ?
    Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
  • ?
    Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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