Steps taken by SEBI to form investors conscious of their rights and obligations The Primary function of Securities and Exchange Board of India under the SEBI Act, 1992 is that of the protection of the investors’ interest and therefore the healthy development of Indian financial markets. No doubt, it's very difficult and Herculean task for the regulators to stop the scams within the markets considering the good difficulty in regulating and monitoring each and each segment of the financial markets and therefore the same is true for the Indian regulator also. But what are the responsibilities of the regulators to line the system right once the scam has taken place, especially the responsibility of redressing the grievances of the investors in order that their confidence is restored. The redressal of investors’ complaints, after the scam, is that the most challenging task before the regulators everywhere in the planet and therefore the Indian regulator isn't an exception. The weapons amo
Steps taken by SEBI to form investors conscious of their rights and obligations The Primary function of Securities and Exchange Board of India under the SEBI Act, 1992 is that of the protection of the investors’ interest and therefore the healthy development of Indian financial markets. No doubt, it's very difficult and Herculean task for the regulators to stop the scams within the markets considering the good difficulty in regulating and monitoring each and each segment of the financial markets and therefore the same is true for the Indian regulator also. But what are the responsibilities of the regulators to line the system right once the scam has taken place, especially the responsibility of redressing the grievances of the investors in order that their confidence is restored. The redressal of investors’ complaints, after the scam, is that the most challenging task before the regulators everywhere in the planet and therefore the Indian regulator isn't an exception. The weapons amo aEJEo
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to convey my problem at the Airport owing to which I missed an International Flight.
Initially, I would explain the exact situation. In the boarding place when they checked my pass checking office said that due to technical issue flights swapped, and officer asked me to wait in waiting hall.
After an hour host came to me and said seats are full consequently another travel is scheduled to next day. Owing to it I couldn't fly on the same day. This delay put me in a big trouble. As a elder daughter I am unable to attend my grandfather's funeral on time.
Likewise each individual will have their own reason to travel. And also tickets are very expensive on other hand. It will be appreciable furthermore this kind of inconvenience should not occur to any of the passengers. Middle class people like me choose airways in emergency purposes. We expect some consideration on this background.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
E Esther
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to convey my problem at the Airport owing to which I missed an International Flight.
, I would
the exact situation. In the boarding place when they
my pass checking office said that due to technical issue flights swapped, and officer asked me to wait in waiting hall.
After an hour host came to me and said seats are full
another travel
is scheduled
day. Owing to
I couldn't
on the same day. This delay put me in a
elder daughter I am unable to attend my grandfather's funeral on time.
each individual will have their
reason to travel. And
tickets are
expensive on other hand. It will be appreciable
this kind of inconvenience should not occur to any of the passengers. Middle
like me choose airways in emergency purposes. We
consideration on this background.
Thanking you,
E Esther