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Why young people are unhappy despite being richer and healthier than past?

Why young people are unhappy despite being richer and healthier than past? kWmjn
Happiness is the richest form to live a high standard of life. However, in this contemporary era, adults are leading to unhappiness in spite of being wealthy and physically fit. According to my opine, there are a plethora of purposes along with solutions that would elucidate briefly in the following paragraphs. On the one hand, embarking on the possible causes that could occur in order to parental force, competition, and consumerist society. Firstly, traditional rules caused a major impact on the growth of youngsters, for example, mismatch of thinking of genes and children attains an unpleasant scenario, though they dig into the sad zone as they have a diverse opportunities such as a power of satellite Television and internet in their hands. Secondly, expectations from the scholars lead to dissatisfaction, for instance, earlier, 60 percentage of marks in the senior secondary were adequate to get admission in the college, albeit, nowadays 90 percentage set as a cut-off to be admissible. Furthermore, an essential culprit of the discontent of young people is the consumerist community, for example, the latest models of hand equipment and other gadgetry persuade youngest persons to purchase it and later a year these became obsolete and amusement becomes short-lived. On the other hand, to commencing on possible steps for way outs that can be taken government and parents, initially, a positive attitude towards life and the whole world, whilst compelling them to follow the cultural rituals. Moreover, the authority of each land ought to organize a number of global competitions to embrace jubilance among adults. Additionally, the onus is on the youth to realize that the ultimate happiness lies with themselves. Youth requires to set a goal and keep trying to search for pleasure in tiny things. To conclude, It replicates the approaches exaggerated which demonstrated that enjoyment can be collected from freedom provided by nurtures, various world level occasions to attributes the internal talents in youth, and beneficial respondents in the locals. Therefore, delight is such a charming thing that can be achieved from a flower too, as it's the thought of human beings.
Happiness is the richest form to
a high standard of life.
, in this contemporary era, adults are leading to unhappiness
in spite of
being wealthy and
fit. According to my opine, there are a plethora of purposes along with solutions that would elucidate
in the following paragraphs.

On the one
, embarking on the possible causes that could occur in order to parental force, competition, and consumerist society.
, traditional
caused a major impact on the growth of youngsters,
for example
, mismatch of thinking of genes and children attains an unpleasant scenario, though they dig into the sad zone as they have a diverse
such as a power of satellite Television and internet in their
, expectations from the scholars lead to dissatisfaction,
for instance
, earlier, 60 percentage of marks in the senior secondary were adequate to
admission in the college, albeit, nowadays 90 percentage set as a
-off to be admissible.

, an essential culprit of the discontent of young
is the consumerist community,
for example
, the latest models of
equipment and other gadgetry persuade
persons to
it and later a year these became obsolete and amusement becomes short-

On the other
, to commencing on possible steps for way outs that can
be taken
and parents,
, a
attitude towards life and the whole world, whilst compelling them to follow the cultural rituals.
, the authority of each land ought to organize a number of global competitions to embrace
among adults.
, the onus is on the youth to realize that the ultimate happiness lies with themselves. Youth requires to set a goal and
trying to search for pleasure in tiny things.

To conclude
, It replicates the approaches exaggerated which demonstrated that enjoyment can
be collected
from freedom provided by nurtures, various world level occasions to
the internal talents in youth, and beneficial respondents in the locals.
, delight is such a charming thing that can
be achieved
from a flower too, as it's the
of human beings.
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IELTS essay Why young people are unhappy despite being richer and healthier than past?

  American English
5 paragraphs
348 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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