The growth in the use and offer of technology has made a lot of changes around human interactions, and the way to learn new things is not an exception. On the internet are plenty of resources that might be helpful to any person to be proficient in a foreign language. However, the lack of interaction and guidance could be problematic for any individual that tries to achieve this goal.
The self-study path for learning English has advantages related to the consciousness of the individual process and time management, is the student who is in charge of his evolution through the topics and the moment during the day that is scheduled to study English. He knows what are the topics that need prioritization and the correct time to advance in the material.
on the other hand, attend to a formal course presents an atmosphere where self-discipline is complemented by the interaction with other students that are in the same process as you, learning and making mistakes that lead to the comprehension of the topics, all of that with the guidance of a person that is currently familiarized and fluent in the language making the corrections that are necessary for the learning process.
To sum up, it is clear that these options have advantages and drawbacks and a combination would be helpful to students, the importance of assistance and advice in the learning process that a tutor can provide complemented with the commitment of a self-study strategy and the time management would be successful.
The growth in the
and offer of technology has made
a lot of
around human interactions, and the way to learn new things is not an exception. On the internet are
of resources that might be helpful to any person to be proficient in a foreign language.
, the lack of interaction and guidance could be problematic for any individual that tries to achieve this goal.
The self-study path for
English has advantages related to the consciousness of the individual process and time management, is the student who is in charge of his evolution through the topics and the moment during the day that
is scheduled
to study English. He knows what are the topics that need prioritization and the correct time to advance in the material.
the other hand, attend to a formal course presents an atmosphere where self-discipline
is complemented
by the interaction with other students that are in the same process as you,
and making mistakes that lead to the comprehension of the topics, all of that with the guidance of a person
that is
familiarized and fluent in the language making the corrections that are necessary for the
To sum up, it is
that these options have advantages and drawbacks and a combination would be helpful to students, the importance of assistance and advice in the
process that a tutor can provide complemented with the commitment of a self-study strategy and the time management would be successful.