Travelling overseas to continue education is always a difficult decision to take, however, why not if the person does see himself able to. Apart from the fact that it requires a bunch of coins, it is worth mentioning that a strong personality is a crucial requirement also! Meeting new people, making good relationships with strangers, and having the ability to deal with any obstacle abroad have been the majorities’ problem. Besides, the fear of kicking the bucket outside the homeland leads to some disruption in the people willing to study abroad and makes them regret their decision. Such a crisis makes us curious to look up for solutions that will vanish it. To begin with, universities in each country should provide a financial aid for each student that is not able to cover all fees. Moreover, why not having those who finished their studies overseas and let them advise the people here on what is awaiting them on their next stage and how to avoid any inconvenience while staying there. Furthermore, we can hire doctors specialized in mental health to aid those who suffer from the phobia of exceeding the borders of the country. In conclusion, I highly recommend studying abroad although it may have some drawbacks, however, its benefits outweighs the disadvantages thus I see no reason to disagree the idea. Not to mention the tremendous support I will offer to any person who has the intention to explore the adventures of life and study overseas.
Travelling overseas to continue education is always a difficult decision to take,
, why not if the person does
himself able to. Apart from the fact that it requires a bunch of coins, it is worth mentioning that a strong personality is a crucial requirement
! Meeting new
, making
relationships with strangers, and having the ability to deal with any obstacle abroad have been the majorities’ problem.
, the fear of kicking the bucket outside the homeland leads to
disruption in the
willing to study abroad and
them regret their decision. Such a crisis
us curious to look up for solutions that will vanish it. To
with, universities in each country should provide a financial aid for each student
that is
not able to cover all fees.
, why not having those who finished their studies overseas and
them advise the
here on what is awaiting them on their
stage and how to avoid any inconvenience while staying there.
, we can hire doctors specialized in mental health to aid those who suffer from the phobia of exceeding the borders of the country.
In conclusion
, I
recommend studying abroad although it may have
, its benefits outweighs the disadvantages
no reason to disagree the
. Not to mention the tremendous support I will offer to any person who has the intention to explore the adventures of life and study overseas.