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Some people think that researches on genetics are a lack of respect to God.However,others reject that they are development to us.What is your opinion.

Some people think that researches on genetics are a lack of respect to God. However, others reject that they are development to us. What is your opinion. PMAnB
It is generally known that genetic researches are causing to progress in an affirmative trend through being retrieved a suitable settlement to contemporary weighty matters mounting the circle of vigour around the globe. Notwithstanding traditional standpoint argued by a significant number of nation's is emerging with remarking that the condition is inequality and furthermore, irrespectiveness towards God, human welfare and overcome famine are standing on the top of these issues. First and foremost, in recent years, the quantity of crowd suffering from brightness as a poverty fettle is increasing in a considerable rate in all countries upon the earth, therefore a large number of developing countries are eliminating their population more and more while starvation is gaining popularity and in this method, being beholded as a matter-of-fact by persons on the streets, exactly the case is elongating countries' achieving improvement via overcoming a shortages of foods. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that genetic foods can be a solution to the kind of common problems if scientists do research on genetics, thus the whole world will be far away from facing up to dying from hunger games. To illustrate, they are able to raise quality of foods as meat or reform cows to give more milk than normal. The phenomenon leads to success. In addition to to this view, in recent past few decades, death row in diversity current diseases ranging from cardiac illnesses can not be prolonged for a long time, this means that most people are perishing due to the fact that the series of diseases becoming more ordinary in our life. For example, drug medications and moreover, various medicines always utilize to medical treatment, nevertheless hey bring benefits for a short time, not for a life. However, finding genetic organisms to humans can be a dramatic development to the medicine world and decrease patients whose lives are at risk of death. To sum up, conducting researches on genetics will be improvement in medicine and reduce death numbers on brightness with transformation deeds of genes to mankind and creating genetically modified foods.
It is
known that
researches are causing
to progress
in an affirmative trend through
being retrieved
a suitable settlement to contemporary weighty matters mounting the circle of
around the globe. Notwithstanding traditional standpoint argued by a significant number of nation's is emerging with remarking that the condition is inequality and
towards God, human welfare and overcome famine are standing on the top of these issues.
and foremost, in recent years, the quantity of crowd suffering from brightness as a poverty fettle is increasing in a considerable rate in all countries upon the earth,
a large number of
developing countries
are eliminating their population more and more while starvation is gaining popularity and in this method, being
as a matter-of-fact by
on the streets, exactly the case is elongating countries' achieving improvement via overcoming
a shortages
, there is no doubt that
can be a solution to the kind of common problems if scientists do research on genetics,
the whole world will be far away from facing up to dying from hunger games. To illustrate, they are able to raise quality of
as meat or reform cows to give more milk than normal. The phenomenon leads to success.
In addition
to to
this view, in recent past few decades, death row in diversity
diseases ranging from cardiac illnesses can not
be prolonged
for a long time, this means that most
are perishing due to the fact that the series of diseases becoming more ordinary in our life.
For example
, drug medications and
, various medicines always utilize to medical treatment,
hey bring benefits for a short time, not for a life.
, finding
organisms to humans can be a dramatic development to the medicine world and decrease patients whose
are at
of death. To sum up, conducting researches on genetics will be improvement in medicine and
death numbers on brightness with transformation deeds of genes to mankind and creating
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IELTS essay Some people think that researches on genetics are a lack of respect to God. However, others reject that they are development to us. What is your opinion.

  American English
1 paragraphs
343 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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