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Some people say that now is the best time to be living. What is your opinion about this? What other time in history be interesting to live in?n

Some people say that now is the best time to be living. What is your opinion about this? What other time in history be interesting to live in? n kb2PK
The life of humanity is evolved due to the diversification characteristics of the eras that they live. As such, many people assert that the present world is indispensable for living. However, my view is our ancient period is far more lucrative for us to living where can be elaborated under this essay. Even though contemporary society is enhanced with a plethora of physical advancements, there are massive adverse repercussions that people have been suffered. Firstly, due to the rapid escalation of the novel technological innovations, the majority of the inhabitants have their lives without a sense of humanity. Mainly because technology or scientifically wonderful amenities have tarnished the ethical norms of modern mankind to become them more selfish. Moreover, power and financial capabilities are the pivotal segments of today surroundings that create the world to become extremely sorrowful. As a matter of that, national or individual wise there are colossal competitions to obtain the super authority to control other nations or people without offering the freedom they need. Nevertheless, when considering the prehistorical era of the world had, it was a mesmerizing astonishing environment where many people had been offered with utmost gratifications owing to the traditional, socio-cultural customs and the unconditional contributions of the people had. As such, that society was embedded with the immense value of unity, peace and respect. Furthermore, we know that our ancestors had vivid marvellous aptitudes while they attempting to make this world more comfortable and fascinating. Such activities such as traditional crafts, sculpture and brilliant aesthetic creations are still showcased and appreciated where current society is unable to equip with. In conclusion, it can be recapitulated that, there is a drastically embedded evolves among the past to present societies where humans have faced. But, my opinion is, though the current era is enclosed with numerous modernization comforts, there are several other distinctive standards in our previous society where we still prefer to have our lives.
The life of humanity
is evolved
due to the diversification characteristics of the eras that they
. As such,
assert that the present
is indispensable for living.
, my view is our ancient period is far more lucrative for us to living where can
be elaborated
under this essay.

Even though
is enhanced
with a plethora of physical advancements, there are massive adverse repercussions that
been suffered
, due to the rapid escalation of the novel technological innovations, the majority of the inhabitants have their
without a sense of humanity.
technology or
wonderful amenities have tarnished the ethical norms of modern mankind to become them more selfish.

, power and financial capabilities are the pivotal segments of
surroundings that create the
to become
sorrowful. As a matter of that, national or individual wise there are colossal competitions to obtain the super authority to control other nations or
without offering the freedom they need.

, when considering the prehistorical era of the
had, it was a mesmerizing astonishing environment where
been offered
with utmost gratifications owing to the traditional,
customs and the unconditional contributions of the
had. As such, that
was embedded
with the immense value of unity, peace and respect.

, we know that our ancestors had vivid
aptitudes while
they attempting
more comfortable and fascinating. Such activities such as traditional crafts, sculpture and brilliant aesthetic creations are
showcased and appreciated where
is unable to equip with.

In conclusion
, it can
be recapitulated
that, there is a
embedded evolves among the past to present
where humans have faced.
, my opinion is, though the
is enclosed
with numerous modernization comforts, there are several other distinctive standards in our previous
where we
prefer to have our
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IELTS essay Some people say that now is the best time to be living. What is your opinion about this? What other time in history be interesting to live in? n

  American English
6 paragraphs
322 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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