Modern technology has brought gigantic revolution all across the world. Presently, most of the people depend on the new instruments which brought good and bad effects on our society. Here, I would like to throw light on its causes and impact on society. To begin with specific reasons, firstly human beings lead a adequate standard of living through performing everyday activities from such advanced machines. To illustrate, using robots for daily purpose save their precious time as well as fulfill their work accurately are excellent benefits. As a result, technology has blessed with such a brilliant innovation to lead a aristocratic lifestyle. Moreover, robots are safe, effective and accessible to perform human orders. therefore, this trend of using robotics is gaining ground in this fast paced era. There are multifarious points to shore up its shiner sides. Firstly, robotics plays a paramount role to make life easier and more convenient. To elaborate, having access to such gadgets not Modern technology has brought gigantic revolution all across the world. Presently, most of the people depend on the new instruments which brought good and bad effects on our society. Here, I would like to throw light on its causes and impact on society.
To begin with specific reasons, firstly human...