Nowadays, most people have a limited amount of time to prepare meals at home, and as a result, they are consuming ready-made products more frequently. Although eating these foods has considerable advantages, such as spending less time and effort while preparing them, numerous disadvantages are associated with them. I believe that the number of cons related with rapid food and takeaways are more than the pros, and this essay will discuss the reasons behind it.
The main problem related with overeating ready-made meals is known to be the health issues caused by them. Having low quality ingredients, restaurants’ dishes are not healthy, however they are delicious. Risk of cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, and obesity are by far higher in those who mainly dine out. Recent studies done by The World Health Organization (WHO) show that Americans average weight has raised by 15 percent during the last 15 years, considering the fact that the USA has the highest rate of ready-food consumption in the world.
Despite the fact that takeaways are threatening public health, they are still highly on demand due to the comfort that they bring to our lives. During the past few decades, most women, who were traditionally making fresh meals for their families, started to work outside their homes, and as a result they are not able to prepare at home. In this case, the best choice might be the most convenient one: deliveries. While all doctors agree that it is not the best option, it seems to be the only option for many individuals. For instance, if a person spends around 11 to 12 hours per day working plus commuting, he will neither have time nor energy to cook when gets home. Then it is totally understandable why he or she chooses to order dinner from a restaurant rather than to cook.
To sum up, the demerits of having ready-made dishes, namely, health-related problems, are not only more in number on the contrary also more serious than the merits of it such as ease as well as speed.
Nowadays, most
have a limited amount of time to prepare meals at home, and
as a result
, they are consuming ready-made products more
. Although eating these foods has considerable advantages, such as spending less time and effort while preparing them, numerous disadvantages
are associated
with them. I believe that the number of cons related with rapid food and takeaways are more than the pros, and this essay will discuss the reasons behind it.
The main problem related with overeating ready-made meals
is known
to be the health issues caused by them. Having low quality ingredients, restaurants’ dishes are not healthy,
they are delicious.
of cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, and obesity are by far higher in those who
dine out. Recent studies done by The World Health Organization (WHO)
that Americans average weight has raised by 15 percent during the last 15 years, considering the fact that the USA has the highest rate of ready-food consumption in the world.
Despite the fact that takeaways are threatening public health, they are
on demand due to the comfort that they bring to our
. During the past few decades, most women, who were
making fresh meals for their families,
to work outside their
, and
as a result
they are not able to prepare at home.
In this case
, the best choice might be the most convenient one: deliveries. While all doctors
that it is not the best option, it seems to be the
option for
For instance
, if a person spends around 11 to 12 hours per day working plus commuting, he will neither have time nor energy to cook when
home. Then it is
understandable why he or she chooses to order dinner from a restaurant
than to cook.
To sum up, the demerits of having ready-made dishes,
, health-related problems, are not
more in number
on the contrary
more serious than the merits of it such as
as well
as speed.