dept are two of the feed cabith diments associated with high fund marriages. Such events to jovest not only para middle-class people but alre to lack of non-renewable cosources around a quarter of food, for instance, has been wated during family purgrammus along with excessive clecticing for lightening becoming usage of and decoration now a serious throat for nation's resources To addition, people dusually profes having bean to invest in fie-star hotre's and wedding destinations Cas end uf a consequence, they and tropping themselves into never-ending dept a to conclude, Although huge funds are p for grand weddings, associated life-long memas and immense pleasure would po quement authorities must provide incenti generating employment fo dept are two of the feed cabith diments associated with high fund marriages. Such events to jovest not only para middle-class people but alre to lack of non-renewable cosources around a quarter of food, for instance, has been wated during family purgrammus along with excessive clecticing for lighten...