We live in an age when many of us have difficulty to find well-paid job. It is worth considering that a plethora of educational instititions organize a job without getting any income for mature students. I agree with this statement because of some reasons. First of all, internships programme will be helpful for student to overcome a problem of getting job after graduating. Thanks to this programmes, senior students learn to put their theoretical knowledge to practise. They also get experience about the real athmosphere of work place. Another factor to consider is that this kind of work experience assists student to lead their future carrier plans. Despite of the fact that some students would love theoretical side of some specialities, they couldn't see themselves part of these jobs. So that they will have a chance to excel their future plans. Internsphips programme not only regulate mature students opinion, but also lend them to focus on their subjects and improve work ability by se We live in an age when many of us have difficulty to find well-paid job. It is worth considering that a plethora of educational instititions organize a job without getting any income for mature students. I agree with this statement because of some reasons.
First of all, internships programme will b...