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Each year some languages die out. Some say this is good because fewer languages would make communication easier and relieve people of the burden of learning foreign languages. Do you agree or disagree?

Each year some languages die out. Some say this is good because fewer languages would make communication easier and relieve people of the burden of learning foreign languages. d9M1P
There is some language extinction annually, it is argued that this decline facilitates communicating and prevents pressures for the linguistic learner. From my perspective, I strongly advocate both statements because it paves the way for cultural connection accompanied by time-saving for insightful research. On the one hand, the restriction of language multitude advancing further with each passing years render human to expose to a myriad of cultural aspects. To come to this point, there are some rituals, traditions that are indigenous to ethnic minorities, it is deemed to be intricate in transmission and the repercussion is some sharp contradictions that occurred by misunderstanding in cultural research. Hence, the more languages dwindling, the less distance between nations all over the world. This tendency reinforces the universal relationship accompany with opening doors for popularizing globalization, human being could effortlessly convey their national characteristics which are comprehensive to anybody from all continents. Regarding the second idea, the vernacular concession fosters learners to streamline their clock optimally. Admittedly, humans nowadays show their preference to absorb handy languages due to their worldwide scale. They could optimize their time by waving between what kinds to learn and enhance their productivity. In order to provide a specific description for this issue, are considering English as a common language has been gaining significant traction by communities. Research by BBC Magazine indicates that more than 70% educational institution in Asian countries applies English as a second language subject, this is a synchronous measure for comprehensive development in learning language and impair obstructions in learning lingoes. To recapitulate, it is my firm conviction that the disappearance of some languages could create a better environment for globalization and people who are struggling with linguistic knowledge. The government might make some contribution by accelerating the process of learning a common language for a multicultural society.
There is
, it
is argued
that this decline facilitates communicating and
pressures for the linguistic learner. From my perspective, I
advocate both statements
it paves the way for cultural connection accompanied by time-saving for insightful research.

On the one hand, the restriction of
multitude advancing
with each passing years render human to expose to a myriad of cultural aspects. To
to this point, there are
rituals, traditions that are indigenous to ethnic minorities, it
is deemed
to be intricate in transmission and the repercussion is
sharp contradictions that occurred by misunderstanding in cultural research.
, the more
dwindling, the less distance between nations all over the world. This tendency reinforces the universal relationship
accompany with
opening doors for popularizing globalization, human being could
convey their national characteristics which are comprehensive to anybody from all continents.

Regarding the second
, the vernacular concession fosters learners to streamline their clock
, humans nowadays
their preference to absorb handy
due to their worldwide scale. They could optimize their time by waving between what kinds to learn and enhance their productivity. In order to provide a specific description for this issue, are considering English as a common
has been gaining significant traction by communities. Research by BBC Magazine indicates that more than 70% educational institution in Asian countries applies English as a second
subject, this is a synchronous measure for comprehensive development in learning
and impair obstructions in learning lingoes.

To recapitulate, it is my firm conviction that the disappearance of
could create a better environment for globalization and
who are struggling with linguistic knowledge. The
contribution by accelerating the process of learning a common
for a multicultural society.
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He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

IELTS essay Each year some languages die out. Some say this is good because fewer languages would make communication easier and relieve people of the burden of learning foreign languages.

  American English
4 paragraphs
303 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
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  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
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  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 6.0
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