In the present Information and Artificial Intelligence (AI) era, Microchip processors are bound to supersede humans at nominal skills such as driving, and thus, with the ongoing numerous research scientists have predicted that our drives will be automated too. To discover the rationales driving the notion and whether such a prominent leap by mankind be beneficial or sacrificial; subsequent passages will comprehensively aid its readers.
If you want to know the future, you better see today- analogously, such integration of computers and our vehicles has already been devised and are being implemented in the 21st century e. g. , Tesla the leading car manufacturer has already started delivering automatically driven cars, solely commanded by a microchip processor integrated within the huge touchscreen panel; thus, indicating the impending impeccable compounding of our transportation with processors and AI. Additionally, a survey by IT & Computers Daily newspaper agency portrayed the exponential growth of these microprocessors with more than 30 times efficiency with 50 times pruning of size in merely three decades, thus abolishing any inhibitions of its future inheritance otherwise.
Contrarily, humankind will still experience doubts and the subsequent excerpt preaches of this fusion of computers & cars, as the greatest evolution in the transportation industry. Most prominently, the burgeoning menace of road accidents will strikingly be ameliorated by the upcoming AI-driven cars; as numerous research by prominent scientists, such as Dr. A Naidu of the eminent society “Chambers of Transportation” have already encapsulated the need to implement such measures swiftly by private legacy Automobile brands to survive in the market, although highlighting the revised 40 points safety checklist prior to any production. Additionally, a Norwegian Traffic Expert, Dr. S Hayman with his team had exhibited their AI-Vehicle communication platform, built to revolutionize synchronization of on-road vehicles, and eventually reduce traffic congestion by 70% in the top densest metropolises; henceforth, deducing the indispensability for this revolution.
In the present Information and Artificial Intelligence (AI) era, Microchip processors
are bound
to supersede humans at nominal
such as driving, and
, with the ongoing numerous research scientists have predicted that our drives will
be automated
too. To discover the rationales driving the notion and whether such a prominent leap by mankind be beneficial or sacrificial; subsequent passages will
aid its readers.
If you want to know the future, you better
, such integration of computers and our vehicles has already
been devised
and are
being implemented
in the 21st century
e. g.
Tesla the leading
manufacturer has already
commanded by a microchip processor integrated within the huge touchscreen panel;
, indicating the impending impeccable compounding of our transportation with processors and AI.
, a survey by IT & Computers Daily newspaper agency portrayed the exponential growth of these microprocessors with more than 30 times efficiency with 50 times pruning of size in
three decades,
abolishing any inhibitions of its future inheritance
, humankind will
experience doubts and the subsequent excerpt preaches of this fusion of computers &
, as the greatest evolution in the transportation industry. Most
, the burgeoning menace of road accidents will
be ameliorated
by the upcoming AI-driven
; as numerous research by prominent scientists, such as Dr. A
of the eminent society “Chambers of Transportation” have already encapsulated the need to implement such measures
by private legacy Automobile brands to survive in the market, although highlighting the revised 40 points safety checklist prior to any production.
, a Norwegian Traffic Expert, Dr. S
with his team had exhibited their AI-Vehicle communication platform, built to revolutionize synchronization of on-road vehicles, and
traffic congestion by 70% in the top densest metropolises; henceforth, deducing the indispensability for this revolution.