The table illustrates the list of countries with highest number of international schools and student enrolment per year. Overall, UAE has huge lead from other countries in number of total schools and students. UAE student’s percentage was two times higher than Saudi Arabia student’s percentage. The lowest results have Kuwait, and it is similar with situation in Turkey. The difference in performance between countries is very large. According to table, UAE has 596 schools in total, while Kuwait has only 84. If we add all the schools from the list with the exception of the UAE, then we will get the same number of schools as in the UAE. The number of student enrolment in Qatar lower as well as in Kuwait, in comparison with Saudi Arabia. If Turkey accept only 61500 students per year, then in UAE this index in ten times bigger and is slightly over the 600, 000 mark. In conclude, The UAE has gone far in international education sphere, and it is difficult for other countries to catch up. The table illustrates the list of countries with highest number of international schools and student enrolment per year.
Overall, UAE has huge lead from other countries in number of total schools and students. UAE student’s percentage was two times higher than Saudi Arabia student’s percentage. The...