This bar chart illustrates the production and usage of electricity in 2014 by the ten nations who had the highest turnover.
Overall, the production in most countries outweighed the usage, except for Germany, where the usage slightly is more than the output. Most of the countries are either from a western hemisphere or an industrialized nation, with an exception of India and Brazil.
China leads the list with 5, 398 produced, followed by United States and then Russia in the third place. Russia only produces nearly one forth of what United States has managed. Japan, India and Canada in the middle order without much of a variation amongst them. At the bottom of the order are Brazil, Germany and Korean Republic with their output varying between 530 and 485.
Production followed by the usage closely in China United States and Russia. this trend continues till the mid segment of the table with France taking up 462 in comparison to its out put of 561. But then, this pattern of excess is lost with Germany at its 8th place with its requirement exceeding nearly by 150.
This bar chart illustrates the production and
of electricity in 2014 by the ten nations who had the highest turnover.
, the production in most countries outweighed the
except for
Germany, where the
is more than the output. Most of the countries are either from a western hemisphere or an industrialized nation, with an
exception of
India and Brazil.
China leads the list with 5, 398 produced, followed
by United States
and then Russia in the third place. Russia
one forth of what United States has managed. Japan, India and Canada in the middle order without much of a variation amongst them. At the bottom of the order are Brazil, Germany and Korean Republic with their output varying between 530 and 485.
Production followed by the
in China United States and Russia.
trend continues till the mid segment of the table with France taking up 462
in comparison
to its out put of 561.
then, this pattern of excess
is lost
with Germany at its 8th place with its requirement exceeding
by 150.