The two pie charts below show information about the percentage of five kinds of sources of energy in USA in 1980 and 1990.
In particular, it can be seen that the proportion of oil used by American in 1980 and 1990 was the highest. Meanwhile, this figure for hydroelectric power was the lowest and had the same number over the period of time.
In terms of oil, the ratio of people using was the highest, at 42% in 1980 and decreased considerately in the next decade, about 33%. Source of energy used follow oil was natural gas and accounted for 26% in 1980 and went down slightly in 1990, at 25%.
The proportion of coal stayed high by 22% and there was a significant increase of 27% in the number of coal used between 1980 and 1990. On the other hand, this figure for using nuclear power was 5% and rose steadily at 10%. Finally, the percentage of hydroelectric power was the least and stayed unchange, at 5% in the same period.
The two pie charts below
information about the percentage of five kinds of sources of energy
in USA
in 1980 and 1990.
In particular
, it can be
that the proportion of oil
by American in 1980 and 1990 was the highest. Meanwhile, this figure for hydroelectric power was the lowest and had the same number over the period of time.
In terms of oil, the ratio of
using was the highest, at 42% in 1980 and decreased
in the
decade, about 33%. Source of energy
follow oil was natural gas and accounted for 26% in 1980 and went down
in 1990, at 25%.
The proportion of coal stayed high by 22% and there was a significant increase of 27% in the number of coal
between 1980 and 1990.
On the other hand
, this figure for using nuclear power was 5% and rose
at 10%.
, the percentage of hydroelectric power was the least and stayed
, at 5% in the same period.