The tables in the up indicates changes of population by the years. Which is1950, 2000 and 2050.
Overal, it seems all continents has changed. They all have some fluctuations.
All of them have differences between years.
From the most popularity continent to the less.
Africa, in this continent we see it is getting increase years by years. It was 9 % of the population in the world by 1950 and then it has expanded to 13 % in 2000. In 2050 it is predicted will be 20 %.
Asia when it comes to Asia. It seems Asia has the most percentage of population in the world. It was 56 % by the year of 1950. And then it has boosted a bit to 60 % in 2000. Well, in 2050 it is expected would be 59 %.
In Europe, we see it is also affect to world's population increase. It was 22 % in 1950 and then has reduced to 12 %. It is predicting to get 7 % by 2050.
Latin America has influenced the percentage of people as well. That was 6 % in 1950 and then has heightened to 9 % in 2000 and it is supposed to be the same percent in 2050.
North America has differences. It was 7 % in 1950 and then has reduced to 5 % in 2000. It is predicting to get 4 % in 2050.
Finally, in Oceaniait was less than 1 % in 1950. Then it was 1 % in 2000. It is anticipating to be 1 % by 2050.
The tables in the up indicates
by the years. Which is1950, 2000 and 2050.
, it seems all continents has
. They all have
All of them have differences between years.
From the most popularity continent to the less.
Africa, in this continent we
it is getting increase years by years. It was 9 % of the
in the world by 1950 and then it has expanded to 13 % in 2000. In
2050 it
is predicted
will be 20 %.
Asia when it
to Asia. It seems Asia has the most percentage of
in the world. It was 56 % by the
of 1950. And then it has boosted a bit to 60 % in 2000. Well, in 2050 it is
would be 59 %.
In Europe, we
it is
to world's
increase. It was 22 % in 1950 and then has
to 12 %. It is predicting to
7 % by 2050.
Latin America has influenced the percentage of
as well
. That was 6 % in 1950 and then has heightened to 9 % in 2000 and it
is supposed
to be the same percent in 2050.
North America has differences. It was 7 % in 1950 and then has
to 5 % in 2000. It is predicting to
4 % in 2050.
, in
was less than 1 % in 1950. Then it was 1 % in 2000. It is anticipating to be 1 % by 2050.