The provided diagram illustrates how orange juice is manufactured for provision to consumers.
Generally, the process consists of 8 stages, starting with the orange harvest, and ending with the packaging of juice.
At the beginning, various types of oranges are collected from trees before being transported to nearby processing factories. The fruit is then washed and cleansed to eliminate dirt and impurities, assuring the quality of the ingredient. Following this, the sanitized oranges are squeezed to obtain orange juice by extracting the orange liquid from the fruit itself.
Next, the liquid is conveyed to docks ready to be exported. During the oversea travel, in order to retain the freshness of the orange juice, the liquid is stored inside rows of refrigerators, whose temperature drops below zero, causing the juice to freeze. Once the orange water reaches its destination, it is unpacked and sent to another factory. Finally, the orange juice is poured into labelled bottles, which are then distributed for retail and consumption.
The provided diagram illustrates how orange
is manufactured
for provision to consumers.
, the process consists of 8 stages, starting with the orange harvest, and ending with the packaging of juice.
At the beginning, various types of oranges
are collected
from trees
being transported
to nearby processing factories. The fruit is then washed and cleansed to eliminate dirt and impurities, assuring the quality of the ingredient. Following this, the sanitized oranges
are squeezed
to obtain orange
by extracting the orange liquid from the fruit itself.
, the liquid
is conveyed
to docks ready to
be exported
. During the oversea travel, in order to retain the freshness of the orange
, the liquid
is stored
inside rows of refrigerators, whose temperature drops below zero, causing the
to freeze. Once the orange water reaches its destination, it
is unpacked
to another factory.
, the orange
is poured
into labelled bottles, which are then distributed for retail and consumption.