The presented line graph shows the amount of money generated from cotton, corn, wheat and sugar in the city of Mitchford from 1970 to 2000, a period of 30 years. Units are measured in thousands of dollars.
In the 1970s, the four types of produce were quite similar in terms of their economic contribution to the city However, wheat remained a solid performer from 1970 to 2000 at around $45, 000. Likewise, corn remained a fairly stable producer of income hovering around $30, 000 in the 1970s, increasing gradually to a high of around $40, 000 and then gradually declining to around $30, 000 in 2000. Furthermore, sugar underwent some significant growth from 1970 (around $25, 000) to the mid-1990s (around $45, 000) and remained at this approximate level till 2000. Cotton showed the greatest fluctuation moving from around $20, 000 in the 1970s and mid-1980s to a peak of $90, 000 in the 1990s. It declined as quickly as it rose, falling back to 20, 000 in the year 2000. The information clearly shows that in the 1990s, cotton was a huge contributor to the Mitchford economy with the other 3 types of produce providing a consistent and steady income over the 30-year period.
The presented line graph
the amount of money generated from cotton, corn, wheat and sugar in the city of
from 1970 to 2000, a period of 30 years. Units
are measured
in thousands of dollars.
In the 1970s, the four types of produce were quite similar in terms of their economic contribution to the city
, wheat remained a solid performer from 1970 to 2000 at
$45, 000.
, corn remained a
stable producer of income hovering
$30, 000 in the 1970s, increasing
to a high of
$40, 000 and then
declining to
$30, 000 in 2000.
, sugar underwent
significant growth from 1970
$25, 000) to the mid-1990s
$45, 000) and remained at this approximate level till 2000. Cotton
the greatest fluctuation moving from
$20, 000 in the 1970s and mid-1980s to a peak of $90, 000 in the 1990s. It declined as
as it rose, falling back to 20, 000 in the year 2000. The information
that in the 1990s, cotton was a huge contributor to the
economy with the other 3 types of produce providing a consistent and steady income over the 30-year period.