The circle graph illustrates the percentage of funds that a children's donation located in the USA income and expense in 2016. In general, the total of the revenue sources slightly exceeded the expenditure. The graph shows that donated food contributed most of the revenue, and program services were the majority spent.
In more detail, the information provided by the pie chart shows that five items include in revenue source; donated food, as the highest donation which covers 86, 6%; followed by community contribution on the second place (16, 4%); program revenue, slightly above 2%; and three other types which less than one percent. On the other side, the expense merely consists of three items; Program services as the majority spending (95, 8%); and two other expenditures: fundraising (2, 6%); and management and general cost, which contributed less than 2 percent. The two last expenditure category contribution are much smaller than the majority spending.
In summary, total revenue counted $5, 000, 000, which could cover the total spending of $5, 0000, 000.
The circle graph illustrates the percentage of funds that a children's donation located in the USA income and expense in 2016.
In general
, the total of the
exceeded the expenditure. The graph
that donated food contributed most of the
, and program services were the majority spent.
In more detail, the information provided by the pie chart
that five items include in
source; donated food, as the highest donation which covers 86, 6%; followed by community
contribution on
the second place (16, 4%); program
above 2%; and three other types which less than one percent. On the other side, the expense
consists of three items; Program services as the majority spending (95, 8%); and two other expenditures: fundraising (2, 6%); and management and general cost, which contributed less than 2 percent. The two last expenditure category contribution are much smaller than the majority spending.
In summary, total
counted $5, 000, 000, which could cover the total spending of $5, 0000, 000.