The pie chart illustrates the percentage distribution the indexed share portfolios in Australia.
The It is evident that 30. 44% distribution on materials record in Australia this is highest sharing sector compares to other sectors. The second highest division is financials approximately 4% less trading. The exact figure is 26. 66%whereas, another two department Industrials and Listed properties are assigning list in Australia around 6. 42% and 6. 58% respectively.
On the other hand, There are numbers of categories contribute least amount tabulates in Australia. The Energy and consumer staples are dealing with minimum proportion of 8. 36% and 7. 93%. However, others, Info technology, utilities, Healthcare, consumer Discretionary and Telecom services those who are limited percentages of share circulates
Overall, Australian companies are sharing portfolios list according to their capacities.
The pie chart illustrates the percentage distribution the indexed share portfolios in Australia.
The It
is evident that 30. 44% distribution on materials record in Australia this is
sharing sector compares to other sectors. The second highest division is financials approximately 4% less trading. The exact figure is 26. 66%whereas, another two department Industrials and Listed properties are assigning list in Australia around 6. 42% and 6. 58%
On the other hand
, There are numbers of categories contribute
amount tabulates in Australia. The Energy and consumer staples are dealing with minimum proportion of 8. 36% and 7. 93%.
, others, Info technology, utilities, Healthcare, consumer Discretionary and Telecom services those who
are limited
percentages of share circulates
, Australian
are sharing portfolios list according to their capacities.