The pie charts give information about the proportion of water used for
industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes in 6 different regions in the
Overall, more water is consumed by agriculture than by industry and homes
in the two Asia regions, Africa, and South America. By contrast, industry
accounts for the vast majority of water used in North America and Europe.
Out of 6 areas of the world, agriculture is the main use of water in Central and
South East Asia, Africa and South America. The figures for 4 areas are at/take
up 88%, 81%, 84% and 71% respectively. In contrast, only 39% of
agricultural water consumption in North America, which is 7% higher than
the figure for Europe.
The opposite trend can be seen in water consumption for Industry. This
(category) makes up 53% of total water usage in Europe compared to 48% (of
total water usage) in North America. By comparison, the figures for 4
remaining regions were much lower, varying from 5% to 12%. In terms of
Domestic use, while the proportion of water used for homes in the two
regions of America and Europe is over 13%, the figures for Central and South
East Asia and Africa are under 10%.
The pie charts give information about the proportion of water
industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes in 6
regions in the
, more water
is consumed
by agriculture than by industry and homes
in the two Asia regions, Africa, and South America. By contrast, industry
accounts for the vast majority of water
in North America and Europe.
Out of 6 areas of the world, agriculture is the main
of water in Central and
South East Asia, Africa and South America. The figures for 4 areas are at/take
up 88%, 81%, 84% and 71%
. In contrast,
39% of
agricultural water consumption in North America, which is 7% higher than
the figure for Europe.
The opposite trend can be
in water consumption for Industry. This
up 53% of total water usage in Europe compared to 48% (of
total water usage) in North America. By comparison, the figures for 4
remaining regions were much lower, varying from 5% to 12%. In terms of
, while the proportion of water
for homes in the two
regions of America and Europe is over 13%, the figures for Central and South
East Asia and Africa are under 10%.