The graph gives data on a 2008 announcement about production of energy and plans in the USA between 1980 and 2030. Measurement is in quadrillion units.
Overall, the amount of petrol and oil will reach the highest peak, whereas the lowest quantity will be observed in nuclear, solar and wind, hydropower over a 50 years period.
In detail, at the beginning the quantity of petrol and oil was equal to 35 quadrillion units, then this indicator showed a slight fluctutation from 1980 to 2020, standing at 42 quadrillion units. For the next 10 years this figure will rise to 47 quadrillion units. In 1980 the proportion of coal and natural gas accounted for 16 and 20 quadrillion units respectively. Over the years between 1985 and 2015 this figure fluctuated minimally and made up approximately 20 quadrillion units. In 2015 both of them maintained the same level, afterwards the amount of natural gas will level off, however, coal consumption will go up to 7 qadrillion units until 2030. On the other side, total quantity of nuclear, solar and wind, hydropower constituted 4 quadrillion units in 1980 and over the years from 1985 to 2030 this segment will remain static, reaching to nearly 5 quadrillion units.
The graph gives data on a 2008 announcement about production of energy and plans in the USA between 1980 and 2030. Measurement is in quadrillion units.
, the amount of petrol and oil will reach the highest peak, whereas the lowest quantity will
be observed
in nuclear, solar and wind, hydropower over a 50 years period.
In detail, at the beginning the quantity of petrol and oil was equal to 35 quadrillion
, then this indicator
a slight
from 1980 to 2020, standing at 42 quadrillion
. For the
10 years this figure will rise to 47 quadrillion
. In 1980 the proportion of coal and natural gas accounted for 16 and 20 quadrillion
. Over the years between 1985 and 2015 this figure fluctuated
and made up approximately 20 quadrillion
. In 2015 both of them maintained the same level, afterwards the amount of natural gas will level off,
, coal consumption will go up to 7
until 2030. On the other side, total quantity of nuclear, solar and wind, hydropower constituted 4 quadrillion
in 1980 and over the years from 1985 to 2030 this segment will remain static, reaching to
5 quadrillion