The given line graph illustrates average carbon dioxide emissions per person in 4 countries in 40 years from 1967 to 2007
Overall, the statistics of Italy and Portugal grew while the number of carbon dioxide in the UK fell and Sweden observed a fluctuation
From 1967 to 2007, the tonnes of carbon dioxide in the UK had a downward trend, which began around 11 tonnes in 1967 fell to approximately 8. 2 tonnes in 2007. However, the statistics of Italy and Portugal were in the contrast. A rocket was witnessed in both of Italy and Portugal. In 1967 the number of carbon dioxide in Portugal was 1, 8 tonnes per person and grew dramatically to nearly 6 tonnes in 2007. In Italy was from 4, 1 tonnes in 1967 to about 8 tonnes in 2007.
On the other hand, In Sweden experienced a fluctuation of the statistic in the given period, which stood at around 8 tonnes in 1967 and increased to above 10 tonnes in 1977, however, this statistic plummeted to nearly 7. 5 tonnes in 1987 and continued collapsing to around 6 tonnes as same as the number Portugal at the last year of the period.
line graph illustrates average
dioxide emissions per person in 4 countries in 40 years from 1967 to 2007
, the
of Italy and Portugal grew while the number of
dioxide in the UK fell and Sweden observed a fluctuation
From 1967 to 2007, the tonnes of
dioxide in the UK had a downward trend, which began around 11 tonnes in 1967 fell to approximately 8. 2 tonnes in 2007.
, the
of Italy and Portugal were in the contrast. A rocket
was witnessed
in both of Italy and Portugal. In 1967 the number of
dioxide in Portugal was 1, 8 tonnes per person and grew
6 tonnes in 2007. In Italy was from 4, 1 tonnes in 1967 to about 8 tonnes in 2007.
On the other hand
, In Sweden experienced a fluctuation of the
in the
period, which stood at around 8 tonnes in 1967 and increased to above 10 tonnes in 1977,
, this
plummeted to
7. 5 tonnes in 1987 and continued collapsing to around 6 tonnes as same as the number Portugal at the last year of the period.