The various stages involved in manufacturing instant noodles in the factory using a machine is revealed in the image.
Overall, it is an artificial, linear process with several steps, which begins with taking flour from the storage silos and endings with labelling and sealing the product.
The first way to start producing a cup of instant noodle is delivering the main ingredients from the barn by truck. After arriving, the flour is mixed with water and oil by rollers to be dough sheets before making dough strips. Following this, it is undergoing noodle discs process, then cooking by oil and drying.
After finishing noodle manufactured, the next step is giving a cup as the container, and incuding flavoring such as vegetables and spices. In addition, it is given with labelling and sealing to this product which that as the last way of production instant noodle.
The various stages involved in manufacturing instant
in the factory using a machine
is revealed
in the image.
, it is an artificial, linear process with several steps, which
with taking flour from the storage silos and endings with labelling and sealing the product.
way to
producing a cup of instant
is delivering the main ingredients from the barn by truck. After arriving, the flour
is mixed
with water and oil by rollers to be dough sheets
making dough strips. Following this, it is undergoing
discs process, then cooking by oil and drying.
After finishing
manufactured, the
step is giving a cup as the container, and
flavoring such as vegetables and spices.
In addition
, it is
with labelling and sealing to this product which that as the last way of production instant