The diagram illustrates the procedure that needed to be performed in canning of fish.
Overall, the process involve several steps, starting with fishing and ending with dispatching it to the supermarket.
Initially, the fishes are caught and frozen at a temperature of -18 degree in the ship. Then, these fishes are unloaded and transferred to weighing machine before thawing. The next step is cutting into huge pieces for steam cooking. After cooking, these are cooled for the next stage for filleting and sliced into smaller pieces. Then, these are transferred into small containers with brine, water or oil is added to it. The next stage is sealing the container and is carried forward for sterilizing by heating, after cooling it moves to labelling division with a label ‘TUNA TREATS’ printed on it. Then, it shifted to storage facility packed in batches. Finally, dispatch to supermarket for sale through heavy goods vehicle.
The diagram illustrates the procedure that needed to
be performed
in canning of fish.
, the process involve several steps, starting with fishing and ending with dispatching it to the supermarket.
, the fishes
are caught
and frozen at a temperature of -18 degree in the ship. Then, these fishes
are unloaded
and transferred to weighing machine
thawing. The
step is cutting into huge pieces for steam cooking. After cooking, these
are cooled
for the
stage for filleting and sliced into smaller pieces. Then, these
are transferred
containers with brine, water or oil is
to it. The
stage is sealing the container and
is carried
forward for sterilizing by heating, after cooling it
to labelling division with a label ‘TUNA TREATS’ printed on it. Then, it shifted to storage facility packed in batches.
, dispatch to supermarket for sale through heavy