The pie charts give information about, how much people travel to work by cycle or by car, and for which reason. The data is in percentage. overall, it is seen clearly from both graphs, Comfort is the main factor to choose travelling by cars, while health and less pollution are the main reason for selecting cycles. looking at the cycling chart in more detail, it is evident that the percentage of people, who takes cycle ride for no parking problems is 15%. Moreover, 30% of people choose cycles for two reasons; improving fitness and reducing pollution. 12% and 13% of employees going to work by bicycle because of no cost and faster than driving respectively. Turning to the driving chart, The percentage of total people, who select cars for their comfort is 40%. furthermore, 14% of employees chosen driving because of faster and it helps to carry things with them. The pie charts give information about, how much people travel to work by cycle or by car, and for which reason. The data is in percentage.
overall, it is seen clearly from both graphs, Comfort is the main factor to choose travelling by cars, while health and less pollution are the main reason for s...