The above pie chart illustrates the consumption of various additives as well preservative such as sodium, saturated fat and added fructose, sucrose by standard public out in USA.
Overall, from the chart the intake of sodium and fat was found to be high in meal taken during dinner, whereas for sugar the main contribution was from snacks. Thus making it equivalent to sodium.
There is an equal percent of the sodium consumed at breakfast and snacks contributing to 14%, while for lunch its proportion doubled. The average of saturated fat and sugary item was equivalent for breakfast which accounted to 16%. Although, the for lunch saturated fats are twice that of sugar but the percentage of 23 beholds in dinner and cannot be neglected. The consumption of all such additives will have an major impact on USA population.
The above pie chart illustrates the consumption of various additives
as well
preservative such as sodium, saturated
fructose, sucrose by standard public out
in USA
, from the chart the intake of sodium and
was found
to be high in meal taken during dinner, whereas for sugar the main contribution was from snacks.
making it equivalent to sodium.
There is an equal percent of the sodium consumed at breakfast and snacks contributing to 14%, while for lunch its proportion doubled. The average of saturated
and sugary item was equivalent for breakfast which accounted to 16%. Although, the for lunch saturated
are twice that of sugar
the percentage of 23 beholds in dinner and cannot
be neglected
. The consumption of all such additives will have
major impact on USA population.