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The bar chart indicates the percentage of five industries in B’s economy including finance, food processing, manufacturing, tourism, and fuel in three years (20055,2015, 2025).

The bar chart indicates the percentage of five industries in B’s economy including finance, food processing, manufacturing, tourism, and fuel in three years (20055, 2015, 2025). L30qV
The bar chart indicates the percentage of five industries in B’s economy including finance, food processing, manufacturing, tourism, and fuel in three years (20055, 2015, 2025). Overall, it is obvious that finance is a main sector, accounting for 36% of the total and tend to grow steadily in the future. On the contary, processing food and manufacturing seem to be not as thriving as the others, that will decline dramatically in 2025. In terms of fuels, tourism, food processing, all of them are focasted to have a slight decrease. Oil, coal and gas have rise from 25 to 31% in the first 10 years but in 2025, people forecast its decrease can happen. In the same situation, tourism also drop slightly after 2005 but in 2025 its percentages doesn’t change. Especially, food processing experiences a crisis. Despite the fact that, it booms in 2015 from 10% to more than 20%, in 2025, this field falls sharply, declining 20%, which is the highest number in comparison with other sectors. As regard to the two remain sectors, finance makes up a large portion and always remain the highest factor contributing to the country’s economic and with 31% in 2005 and are predicted to grow by 11% in the next 20 years. On the contrary, manufactoring looks quite bleak. It continues to decrease by 5% within 10 years and in 2025, there is a significant reduction that it only reach 5%.
The bar chart indicates the percentage of five industries in B’s economy including finance,
, manufacturing, tourism, and fuel in three years (20055, 2015, 2025).

, it is obvious that finance is a main sector, accounting for 36% of the total and tend to grow
in the future. On the
and manufacturing seem to be not as thriving as the others, that will decline
in 2025.

In terms of fuels, tourism,
, all of them are
to have a slight decrease. Oil, coal and gas have rise from 25 to 31% in the
10 years
in 2025,
forecast its decrease can happen. In the same situation, tourism
after 2005
in 2025 its percentages doesn’t
experiences a crisis. Despite the fact that, it booms in 2015 from 10% to more than 20%, in 2025, this field falls
, declining 20%, which is the highest number
in comparison
with other sectors.

As regard to the two remain sectors, finance
up a large portion and always remain the highest factor contributing to the country’s economic and with 31% in 2005 and
are predicted
to grow by 11% in the
20 years.
On the contrary
looks quite bleak. It continues to decrease by 5% within 10 years and in 2025, there is a significant reduction that it
reach 5%.
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IELTS academic The bar chart indicates the percentage of five industries in B’s economy including finance, food processing, manufacturing, tourism, and fuel in three years (20055, 2015, 2025).

  American English
4 paragraphs
238 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 5.0
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