Task 1: DESCRIPTION - 10 minutes (75-150 words) Write a brief description of this chart and the information it contains. https: //scontent. xx. fbcdn. net/v/t1. 15752-0/p206x206/135501541_444596886924099_5034722744272037570_n. jpg? _nc_cat=103&ccb=2&_nc_sid=58c789&_nc_eui2=AeGs8yIcMm3cBVpqn5coYDusUZiMzSpPLgFRmIzNKk8uAUalP8ZfNAx5VfNFHg-MgD1cKSfFUH6w28SrOlZ4JWLM&_nc_ohc=my_RKN8zu0sAX-hPiSM&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent. xx&tp=6&oh=898fccb7b55ae4ee21936f588a0dfe79&oe=6017C7D7 The chart shows that the countries which produced CO2 emissions the most throughout the world, in order to their global share since 2016.
Overall, the noticeable amount of CO2 emissions of China was extremely higher than all other nine countries, whereas Saudi Arabia had the lowest proportion of ca...