Our body need many nutrition to get healthy. When we eat, there's a lot choice of food for consumption. The charts below show the average percentages in typical of meals of three types of nutrients. The three nutrients are sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar. It's unhealthy if we eat these nutrients too much. We can look from the percentages there are three types typical meals in USA. And it divided by four parts. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. On first percentage, the most content sodium in one meal is from dinner by 43%. Continue by lunch with 29% and it has same percentages sodium between snacks and breakfast by 14%. Same as sodium, the most saturated fat in meal is in dinner but it has lower percentages than sodium, with 37%. Lunch with just 26%. Not far from lunch, snacks has 21% and the least amount of content from saturated fat in meal is form breakfast with 16%. The last nutrients is added sugar with the most percentages in snacks with 42% and same with saturated f